The official home of the annual Lost Cartridge Jam, where we create games in the style of a cartridge that's been lost in a drawer for decades - only to be rediscovered in the present day.
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Lost Cartridge Games - We make games that look and feel like they could’ve been popular decades ago.
The annual game jam where you create a game in the style of a cartridge that's been lost in a drawer for decades, only to be rediscovered in the present day.
The official home of the annual Lost Cartridge Jam, where we create games in the style of a cartridge that's been lost in a drawer for decades - only to be rediscovered in the present day.
A Lost Cartridge Game is a game that's been both designed and stylized to look and feel like a vintage game; a game that gives the impression of having been lost in a drawer for decades only to be rediscovered in the present day.
Emphasis is placed on believability, but it's up to you to decide how you want to express that - whether it's through aesthetics, gameplay mechanics or the packaging of the game itself.
Come up with an idea for a retro-styled game.
Spend 72 hours working on it.
Submit it via the jam platform!
In addition to other prizes, the game that manages to score the highest in terms of quality, aesthetics and believability will have a physical, retro-styled copy of the game produced and shipped to the creator!
Lost Cartridge Jam 2022
The fourth annual game jam where you create a game in the style of a rediscovered retro cartridge.