Lost Cartridge Jam 2019

The first annual game jam where you create a game in the style of a rediscovered retro cartridge.

Create a game in the style of a cartridge that's been lost in a drawer for decades, only to be rediscovered in the present day.

Lost Cartridge Jam 2019 Clipart - Logo




Developed as an actual Game Boy ROM with customized builds for modern systems. The game leads with a full intro and proper plot pacing, and goes on to offer a full-length adventure in a world rich with beautiful pixelart and character. The music is high quality and reminiscent of Game Boy-games like Survival Kids, and the tone of the game is similar to many of the whimsical adventure- and RPG games that were released for the Game Boy throughout the '90s. The graphics, music and format are perfect as-is, and the only thing keeping the game from being worthy of a full retail price might be the length. Despite this, the game manages to wrap the story up in an interesting manner that leaves the player simultaneously satisifed yet wanting more. It's an excellent game.

A big thanks to everybody who participated.

See you next time!

Jam submissions

  • Backy By Ripper53 Unrated Game wouldn't run. Check out Backy
  • Esoteric Land By Ripper53 Unrated Game wouldn't run. Check out Esoteric Land
  • Space Shooter By Nicole Parmentier Unrated No game executable available. Check out Space Shooter
  • Pet House By Piers Bishop Unrated No game executable available. Check out Pet House
  • Josh in the Baconlands By MagnusStark Unrated No game executable available. Check out Josh in the Baconlands
  • Gunn Battle Valkyrie By Per K Grok Unspecified platform Simple side-scrolling shooter. Doesn't adhere to any specific platform, but has an interesting theme. It uses a proper title screen, sound effects and progression, and with some work the game could become a very interesting one. design 1 aesthetics 1 believability 0 extras 0 Total 2 Check out Gunn Battle Valkyrie
  • Nimble Witch By RealPotato PSX More of a prototype than a game given the lack of gameplay and the presence of bugs, but the concept of a platformer featuring a character in an oversized world is interesting, and the environmental objects and models are pleasant. There's not much in the game that adheres to the look and feel of a PSX game, but gameplay-wise it looks like it's attempting to borrow inspiration from PSX platformer games. With some work it could become a worthy PSX-styled platformer. design 1 aesthetics 1 believability 1 extras 0 Total 3 Check out Nimble Witch
  • Fate Catz By Blackbell Game Boy Very cool 3D Game Boy effect to launch the game. Resolution itself adheres to the Game Boy as do the colors, but scrolling, object movement and other such visual effects are more contemporary in nature. The in-game graphics are nice, but the gameplay is hard to discern as it appears to be impossible to progress beyond the starting area. There's a fair amount of glitches. The theme feels like something that could've made for an actual Game Boy game, so with more work the game could be interesting. design 0 aesthetics 1 believability 1 extras 1 Total 3 Check out Fate Catz
  • Moth Math By Kultisti Game Boy Interesting gameplay idea that feels like it could've made for one of the simpler Game Boy-games that were released around the early '90s. The graphics and visual effects are too contemporary to make for an accurate Game Boy-game, but the color scheme, resolution and music are satisfying. design 1 aesthetics 1 believability 1 extras 0 Total 3 Check out Moth Math
  • D.I.V.V. Dash By screensuki SNES A simple and short RPG Maker 2003 game. Doesn't conform to the technical limitations or aesthetics of the SNES, but is a fun experience nonetheless. The game is reminiscent of Earthbound in terms of both tone and style, but is multitudes more whimsical and surreal. design 2 aesthetics 1 believability 0 extras 0 Total 3 Check out D.I.V.V. Dash
  • Sky Skirmish By Black Flag Unspecified platform Cool arcade exterior around the game window and interesting concept. Gameplay is somewhat buggy and the aesthetics are more akin to an early indie game rather than an arcade game. Could be a fun arcade game with some more work. design 1 aesthetics 1 believability 0 extras 1 Total 3 Check out Sky Skirmish
  • Take it to Andromeda By Arthur F.A.M. NES A simple plaformer with interesting movesets. The resolutions are inconsistent between score text and in-game graphics and while the resolution adheres to the technical limitations of the NES, the graphic style doesn't. The gameplay consists of trial-and-error-style platforming, with environments that are interesting and intriguing. design 1 aesthetics 1 believability 1 extras 0 Total 3 Check out Take it to Andromeda
  • The Night Porter By Frozen Well Studios ZX Spectrum A simple platformer that aims to capture the look, feel and gameplay of ZX Spectrum games. It does so adequately with appropriate graphics and colors. One aspect that could've been added is the "attribute clash"-effect that was present in ZX Spectrum games - where colors would bleed into moving sprites - but the game manages to capture its intended aesthetic in spite of that. design 1 aesthetics 1 believability 2 extras 0 Total 4 Check out The Night Porter
  • TopGun But for the Atari 5200 By never_k Atari 5200 The game conforms fine to the NTSC output of the Atari 5200 and has a graphic style to match it sufficiently. Gameplay-wise the game has the player taking off- and landing with a jet plane, which might seem underwhelming but could also be somewhat representative of the games for the Atari 5200. The mechanics feel appropriate for the platform and the overall experience is believable. design 1 aesthetics 1 believability 2 extras 0 Total 4 Check out TopGun But for the Atari 5200
  • Bandit Valley By Veralos NES Felt like a full game from start to finish. Very satisfying gameplay with mechanics that suit its intended platform (NES). The thematic choices are unique, and the gameplay is reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda or God of Thunder. The resolution fits the technical limitations of the NES, but the graphics and music feel more akin to a simple indie game rather than a NES game. With more work and a proper NES aesthetic this could potentially be a very good game. design 3 aesthetics 1 believability 1 extras 0 Total 5 Check out Bandit Valley
  • Bubbles and Griff By finalbossblues Sega Genesis More of a prototype than a full game, but it's a gorgeous one that adheres to the aesthetics as well as the more important technical limitations of the Sega Genesis. The platforming movement and parallax background effects are smooth, and the level design invokes memories of old Sega platformers like Fantasia or Castle of Illusion. With more work this could be a great Sega-like game. design 1 aesthetics 3 believability 2 extras 0 Total 6 Check out Bubbles and Griff
  • Drop the Adventure By Amir Bayareh NES An action puzzle game that aims to adhere to the style, limitations and gameplay of NES games. With NES-styled aesthetics, proper menu screens and a total of 20 stages the game could pass for a full-length NES game as-is, with the only prominent downside being that a few of its visual effects are too smooth and contemporary for a NES game. Gameplay-wise the game has an abundance of obstacles and challenges with a difficulty level that increases at a reasonable pace, except for possibly the end where it's ramped up significantly. The one glaring problem is the slow pace at which the player-controlled ball slows down after a move, which can get a bit tedious in big and complex levels. All-in-all it's a fun and impressive game with an impressive amount of content. design 3 aesthetics 2 believability 2 extras 0 Total 7 Check out Drop the Adventure
  • Office Push By MrPr1993 NES A NES-like box-pushing action puzzle platformer. The resolution, title screen, theme jingle and graphics are all accurately- or nearly-accurately representative of NES games. The platformer movement is annoyingly rigid, but in a manner that is reminiscent of how actual NES games handle. With 20 well-designed levels and unique graphics and character designs, the game comes close to feeling like an actual NES game. design 3 aesthetics 2 believability 2 extras 0 Total 7 Check out Office Push
  • Star Hawk (1994 Prototype Edition) By Skyboy Games SNES This game takes its inspiration from SNES games but doesn't adhere to the technical limitations of the SNES. That said the gameplay and aesthetics are impressive. The prototype concept is well-executed including both the mocked-up prototype cartridge as well as the prototype navigation menus. Gameplay-wise the game can feel a bit chaotic, but the mechanics and formulas implemented feel like that of a professional game. With more work this game could make for a commercial title. design 2 aesthetics 2 believability 2 extras 2 Total 8 Check out Star Hawk (1994 Prototype Edition)
  • Jabberwocky By Polyducks Game Boy Developed as an actual Game Boy ROM with customized builds for modern systems. The game leads with a full intro and proper plot pacing, and goes on to offer a full-length adventure in a world rich with beautiful pixelart and character. The music is high quality and reminiscent of Game Boy-games like Survival Kids, and the tone of the game is similar to many of the whimsical adventure- and RPG games that were released for the Game Boy throughout the '90s. The graphics, music and format are perfect as-is, and the only thing keeping the game from being worthy of a full retail price might be the length. Despite this, the game manages to wrap the story up in an interesting manner that leaves the player simultaneously satisifed yet wanting more. It's an excellent game. design 3 aesthetics 3 believability 3 extras 0 Total 9 Check out Jabberwocky


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